Tullow explorations makes discovery at Carapa 1 well
DPI, Guyana, Thursday, January 2, 2020
The European company, Tullow Oil plc remains positive as they continue their deep-water explorations offshore Guyana.
On Thursday morning, the company announced that the Carapa-1 exploration well, drilled on the Kanuku licence encountered approximately four metres of net oil pay based on preliminary readings.
The report stated that preliminary results of drilling, wireline logging, pressure testing and sampling of reservoir fluid indicate the discovery of oil in Upper Cretaceous age sandstone reservoirs. Rig site testing has indicated that the oil is 27 degrees API with a sulphur content of less than 1 percent. Detailed laboratory analysis of the oil quality will follow in due course.

Tullow Oil plc, Chief Operating Officer, Mark MacFarlane
According to the company, the Carapa oil discovery suggests the extension of the Cretaceous oil play from the Stabroek licence southwards into the Kanuku licence. It noted that while net pay is lower than pre-drill forecasts, the 27-degree API oil supports the significant potential of the Cretaceous play on both the Kanuku and adjacent Orinduik licences.
The well was drilled by the Valaris EXL II jack-up rig to a total depth of 3,290 metres in 68 metres of water and the well will now be plugged and abandoned.
Commenting on the results Tullow’s Chief Operating Officer, Mark MacFarlane, said it indicates positive implications for the company’s offshore explorations.
“The Carapa-1 result is an important exploration outcome with positive implications for both the Kanuku and Orinduik blocks. While net pay and reservoir development at this location are below our pre-drill estimates, we are encouraged to find good quality oil which proves the extension of the prolific Cretaceous play into our acreage. We will now integrate the results of the three exploration wells drilled in these adjacent licences into our Guyana and Suriname geological and geophysical models before deciding the future work programme.”
Repsol Exploración Guyana, S.A. is the operator of the Kanuku block with a 37.5 percent stake. Tullow Guyana B.V. also holds a 37.5 percent stake with Total E&P Guyana B.V. holding the remaining 25 percent.
Editor’s Note: Net pay (net productive) thickness: It is the thickness of those intervals in which porosity and permeability are known or supposed to be high enough for the interval to be able to produce oil or gas, water and gas is not included to the net pay thickness.