CGX Energy Inc. donates $GY10M to the COVID-19 response.
As part of their ongoing commitment to Guyana, CGX Energy Incorporation on Monday handed over a $GY10M cheque to the Ministry of Health to assist in the purchase of COVID-19 personal protective equipment (PPE) for frontline workers.
Minister of Health Dr. Frank Anthony accepted the donation and thanked the management of CGX for their financial contributions of towards COVID-19 fight. During his brief remarks, he explained that there is a daily rise in COVID-19 cases and deaths and the Health team is making efforts to stabilize the current situation.
“The rise in cases are as a result of the behaviours of people who disregards the social distancing practices and other recommended COVID-19 measures and guidelines”, the Minister said.
According to Dr. Anthony, there are many persons who are non-compliant with the safety guidelines, and are therefore putting others at risk of contracting the deadly disease. As such, he (Dr. Anthony) is contemplating utilising part of the funding to boost the current risk communication and public awareness campaign.

He stated that the risk communication and public awareness campaign is a segmented that’s geared towards educating and affecting behavioral change of high-risk persons and others who are reluctant to follow the COVID-19 guidelines.
Though they may appear young and healthy, the Health Minister reminded that COVID-19 does not discriminate and can affect even the younger population who internally can infect members of their households as the disease is very contagious.
“Younger persons believe that if they get infected with COVID-19, they will experience an asymptomatic version of the disease. Even though they might not experience any symptoms, other persons in their household who are more vulnerable can contract the disease”, Dr Anthony explained.
Meanwhile, during his remarks, Executive Chairman of CGX Energy Inc. Professor Suresh Narine said his organisation is happy to support the MOH in its battle against the COVID-19 pandemic.
“The rapid rise that we have seen in COVID-19 positive cases are very alarming and affects everyone, and so we are very hopeful that others assist in providing support”, Professor Narine said.
He highlighted that his company, like others, have a robust Cooperate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy within which they work to ensure they have good cooperate citizenship and they contribute towards Guyana’s development.
“A healthy population that thrives in culture and unity, is one that produces great workers, and provides a form of stability that encourages the success of companies and investments”, Narine said.