Coomacka residents urged to create sport committee to access more Gov’t support
The MinistryCulture, Youth and Sport has committed to engaging a private contractor to clear and clean the community ground at Coomacka, Upper Demerara-Berbice (Region 10), even as the residents are being urged to establish a sport committee to access more Government assistance.

Minister, Hon. Charles Ramson Jr made the appeal during a recent visit to Coomacka, where he noted the deplorable state of the community ground. The Minister said the community needs to demonstrate an interest in its infrastructure.
“The condition is not good. I think that there is no ownership for the ground in the sense that the community is not taking ownership for the responsibility to manage it,” he said.
Minister Ramson said after the ground has been cleared, he expects residents to exercise due care and maintain it. He added that with the Ministry’s support athletes and potential athletes could use the venue to hone their skills. It could also be utilised as an exercise facility as the Covid pandemic prevails.
“People sometimes need the energy and motivation and sometimes they are motivated by what they see so I think that the Ministry will … will do just that,” he added.
Additionally, the Ministry intends to establish a playpark there and install other amenities such as sport equipment and gear.
Minister Ramson said this initiative is in keeping with his goal to transform the sport sector by improving sport facilities, creating partnerships and providing the much-needed programmes.
With this in mind, he said the Ministry would provide the necessary support to upgrade and advance the development of the Coomacka ground, with the support of residents.
Since the Government came into office in August, Minister Ramson has conducted several outreaches in Regions Three, Four, Six and others to inspect the condition of sport facilities. To this end, facilities were upgraded and equipped and sporting gear handed over to ensure that the youth have access to modern recreational facilities.