Drainage authority to take over cleaning city canals
– $17B for Ministry of Agriculture
DPI, Guyana, Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Minister of Agriculture, Noel Holder says the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) will take responsibility for the maintenance of the primary drainage infrastructure in Georgetown.
This was announced as the Committee of Supplies of the National Assembly today approved more than $17Billion for the 2019 capital and current expenditure of the ministry.
According to the Minister, the decision follows the recommendations of a Cabinet subcommittee chaired by himself and including the Minister of Public Infrastructure and the Minister of Communities.
“Cabinet approved the recommendation of the committee which gave the responsibility for Drainage and Irrigation in the capital city and coastal Guyana to NDIA.” Minister Holder added that “come January 1, the NDIA will be responsible for all the main canals to ensure that …the outfall channels are cleaned.”
In addition, the Agriculture Minister said part of the agency’s capital budget will see the acquisition and installation of mobile pumps to alleviate flooding around the city
“When the pumps come in from India, four mobile pumps will be allocated to Georgetown the internal ward drains will be the responsibility of the Mayor and City Council; certain prime drainage will be NDIA’S responsibility and you should see a tremendous improvement in the drainage of Georgetown and hopefully the entire coastal area commencing January 2019.”
Kidackie Amsterdam.
Image: Keno George.