GNBS approves 31 Compulsory National Electrical Standards
DPI, Guyana, Wednesday, October 2, 2019
The Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS) recently approved 31 Compulsory National Electrical Standards. This is in collaboration with the Government Electrical Inspectorate.
The standards, which will come into effect from February 1, 2020, were created after it was found that there were several substandard electrical products on the market.

Guyana’s adoption of quality standards is a step in the right direction, according to Minister of Business, Hon. Haimraj Rajkumar, as it gives citizens access to the highest quality products.
“Quality standards play a very important role in society, and particularly, these standards are designed to ensure that general safety, through, for example, the reduction of electrical fire hazards by removing inferior electrical products from our markets. It also ensures all importers play by the same rules… We must all work together so that we can ensure that products that enter our country, meet and exceed the national quality standards that will be implemented,” the minister underscored.
Agencies received high commendation for its proactive approach in light of the alarming number of complaints the body received regarding electrical products.
“For too long, substandard products have plagued our markets, creating not only a premise for unfair competition for suppliers of quality products, but more so, a safety hazard for consumers who utilise these products. The implementation of these standards will seek to create a level playing field for our suppliers, and the consumers receive value for money and safer products,” stated Director of the Guyana Competition and Consumer Affairs Commission, Dawn Cush.
The standards are mandatory and must be complied with. According to Head of Product Compliance Department Shailendra Rai, strict inspections will be carried out on all electrical products to maintain a high standard.