GNBS certifies DCSN Manufacturing ‘Made In Guyana’
The Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS) today, Wednesday, August 23, 2023, certified a new construction company under the Permit to use the Made in Guyana Certification Mark Programme. DCSN Manufacturing Inc. is the 32nd company to join the programme and number eight in the construction industry.
The certification ceremony was hosted at the company’s Plantation, Diamond, East Bank Demerara (EBD) location. Director of company, Ms. Chaitanya Jagmohan in her remarks noted that DCSN Manufacturing Inc. aims to be a leading provider of quality products. “We are now operating in an increasingly globalized environment. Quality and standards cannot be sacrificed at the alter of profitability. As an emerging player in Guyana’s booming construction and manufacturing sector, we’re cognizant of the need for excellency and efficiency which will ultimately contribute to our long-term sustainability. Hence, we view this certification process as an avenue towards fine-tuning our processes and establishing standards,” Ms. Jagmohan said.

The company is granted approval to use the prestigious GNBS approved Made in Guyana Mark on their Prestressed Concrete Elements and Cationic Rapid Setting Bitumen Emulsion- CRS 2 and RC 250- Rapid Curing Cutback Bitumen.
GNBS Head of Marketing Mr. Syeid Ibrahim congratulated the company’s management and staff and urged them to maintain the requirements of the programme. “The Made in Guyana programme is a testament that companies like DCSN are manufacturing authentic Guyanese products, they’re committed to quality and standards and promote local content,” he said.
To be certified to use this mark, companies have to meet a list of requirements which include the use of at least 60% raw materials from Guyana and the employment of 70% Guyanese staff. Further, where raw materials are imported, at least 80% transformation from the imported raw materials to finished products must be done in Guyana. In addition, the company must have its records and turnaround times in place along with a system to address complaints and feedback.
The ceremony was also addressed by Vice President of the Guyana Manufacturing & Services Association (GMSA) Mr. Rafeek Khan and Minister of Housing & Water, Hon. Collin Croal.

Minister Croal pointed out that the certification comes one day before the launch of the International Building Expo 2023 which provides a platform to showcase products in the construction industry.
“Remaining competitive at the top tier is to put into order, certification because that is a minimum requirement when one is competing at an international level or even approaching international lending agencies…Having that batch of products that says, ‘made in Guyana’ means you’re on the right track to becoming top tier in the industry,” the Minister posited.
Certified products are guaranteed to be of quality. Businesses considering applying for the Made in Guyana Standard Mark can contact the Certification Services Department of the GNBS, which stands ready to offer the requisite guidance. The application form along with the detailed requirements of the Programme and the process of acquiring the Made in Guyana Standard Mark can be found on the GNBS website https: