GPHC doctors attend 14th Caribbean surgeons’ conference
Georgetown, GINA, June 22, 2016
Guyana was represented by three surgeon – doctors from the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) at the fourteenth annual Caribbean College of Surgeons conference which was held from June 16-18, 2016 at Coconut Bay Resort in St Lucia.
Representing Guyana were Consultant Surgeon, Department of Surgery, Dr. Navindranuath Rambaran, Plastic Surgeon Consultant; Department of Surgery; Dr. Shilindra Rajkumar, and second year surgical resident Dr. Gabrielle DeNobrega. More than 100 surgeons from all across the Caribbean attended the conference which was facilitated by International guest speakers.

Surgeon-doctors who attended the 14th annual Caribbean College of Surgeons conference. From left to right, Dr. Gabrielle DeNobrega-2nd year resident student, Dr. Shilindra Rajkumar-Plastic Surgeon Consultant and Dr. Navindranauth Rambaran Consultant Surgeon all of the Department of Surgery, Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation.
The team representing Guyana made two presentations of research cases managed by the GPHC. They were ‘The changing trend of Pediatric Burns in Guyana’ which looked at the high number of electric burn cases against the traditional burns and scalds; and a case of a rare accessory spleen- patient having Leiomyosarcoma: a very rare cancer of the connective and supportive tissues of the spleen.
Dr. Rambaran told GINA that, “One of the more important things coming out of the conference is that we, over the last few years, have been establishing links and contacts with our Caribbean colleagues upon attending this conference.”
Dr. Rajkumar noted that, “We had discussions with other surgeons from around the Caribbean, we learnt about the challenges that they face compared to the challenges that we have and try to come up with solutions that would benefit us all as a Caribbean group.”
Guyana has had exposure through these presentations , as well as discussions with the representatives. The surgeons also benefitted from presentations that highlighted techniques in surgical care and management that would be advantageous to GPHC’s department of surgery.
The three surgeons also pointed out that networking with the Caribbean surgeons over the years has assisted with improved standard of care at the GPHC and as a result, surgical graduates are now on the same level with their Caribbean counterparts.
The team of surgeon-doctors was afforded the opportunity to attend the conference after being selected by the GPHC and made possible through financial sponsorship from K.D Enterprises and International Pharmaceutical Agency(IPA).
Proposals were also made by the Guyana team and other Caribbean members for the next annual Caribbean College of Surgeons conference to be hosted in Guyana.