GRDB maintains GNBS GYS 170:2009 Certification
Today, the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB) hosted a brief ceremony for the recertification of its central laboratory to the GYS 170:2009 Standard of the Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS).
The GYS 170:2009 is the National Standard that guides laboratories to dispense quality services to consumers. It outlines the steps to developing and maintaining a thorough management system, which in turn allows for the provision of accurate and reliable test results as requested by consumers.
Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha,MP in his remarks said the services provided by the laboratory will assist with enhancing Guyana’s position in rice production.
“Today’s activity is very important for us in the agriculture sector. The services provided by this laboratory will help to enhance Guyana’s position in the production of rice. Over the years, this laboratory has played a very significant role in helping the government to enhance our rice industry. Today, rice remains one of the main contributors to our GDP. The Minister of Finance even alluded to the growth of the sector in his mid-year report. Even with the devastation suffered as a result of the extended May-June rainy period and the Covid19 pandemic, our agriculture sector has proven its resilience. While we are here to certify this facility, I want to say that the future of the rice industry under the PPP government is looking bright. Although Guyana is now an emerging oil and gas producing country, our agriculture sector is poised to become one of the main contributors towards building our economy,” Minister Mustapha said.
GYS 170:2009 standards specify the requirements for the operation of testing and/ or calibration laboratories.
Deputy Executive Director of the Guyana National Bureau of Standards, Ramrattie Karan said the GRDB has worked hard over the years to maintain its certification.
“A decade has passed and we recognize that it has been hard working to maintain GYS170:2009 certification here at the central laboratory. We also recognize that the laboratory has attained international accreditation during that period. Even with attaining international accreditation, the laboratory has not given up its national identity or its national certification and the GNBS is proud to be joining with the GRDB to celebrate this milestone,” Ms. Karan said.
Chairman of the GRDB and Director General of the Ministry of Agriculture, Madanlall Ramraj, while offering brief remarks, stressed the importance of maintaining the standards required both locally and internationally. He said when Guyana can export its products, the country, in turn, benefits from improved GDP and can create employment and provide food security.
General Manager (ag) of the GRDB, Kuldip Ragnauth said the GRDB has always strived to maintain its standards.
“The fact that we are here today means that the Board would’ve achieved in passing the assessment. We do not take our assessments lightly. This is about standards and at the Board, we aim to set very high standards. One of the main functions of this laboratory is to provide analysis and to grade rice and paddy for both local sales and export,” Mr. Ragnauth said.