Guyana Represented at Forty Third Session of IFAD
Minister of Agriculture Noel Holder is currently representing Guyana at the Forty Third Session of the Governing Council of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) in Rome.
This session will be conducted under the theme “Investing in sustainable food system to end hunger by 2030”. Under this theme, discussions will focus on how IFAD’s role and experience in supporting sustainable, inclusive, nutritious and efficient food systems place it in a unique position to contribute to the SDGs, particularly SDG2.

Minister of Agriculture Noel Holder alongside Dr. Deep Ford, Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office and International Organisations, Geneva.
Guyana has received support from IFAD over the past two decades through several projects, including the current Hinterland Environmentally Sustainable Agricultural Development project (US$8.4 mn), and the Rural Enterprise Agricultural Development (READ) project (US$6.4 mn).
The session is slated to last for two days, February 11th and 12th 2020. During this time interactive sessions will be organized to allow Governors to engage with relevant experts from various fields to share their experiences, concerns and suggestions. Following the event there will be the launch of the Consultation on the Twelfth Replenishment of IFAD’s Resources.
Guyana being represented at the meeting will provide the opportunity for us to discuss and influence our collaboration and access to resources going forward, ensuring the relevance and positive impacts of collaboration and funded projects.
IFAD is globally one of the largest multilateral financiers of rural and agricultural development. In 2020, IFAD will be preparing a new country strategy for Guyana and will be seeking how best to be partners in supporting the development of agriculture and rural areas of Guyana.