(Georgetown, Friday, June 12, 2020)- Annually, Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) hosts an award ceremony in celebration of the company’s Anniversary. Amidst much pomp and ceremony, not only are the achievements of the company celebrated, but also the milestones of staff members who achieve varying years of service.
This year was not void of this pomp and ceremony even amidst the global COVID-19 pandemic, as the company on Friday, 12th June, 2020 hosted the awards ceremony virtually over the Zoom platform in celebration of its 18th Anniversary.

GWI’s Managing Director, Dr. Richard Van West-Charles delivers remarks via Zoom from GWI’s headquarters

GWI’s Region 5 Manager, Mr. Keine Read (left) presents an awardee with her certificate

GWI’s Linden Manager, Mr. Rawle Friday (right) presents an awardee with his certificate
Some 80 awardees spread across Regions 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 10 gathered at the respective GWI offices to be celebrated for their years of service ranging from 10 to 40 years as well as some for their retirement from the company. All of this was done while observing preventative measures against COVID-19.
Chairman of the GWI Board of Directors, Dr. Garvin Cummings in his remarks congratulated the awardees as he posited that an organization can be no greater than the greatness of the people of which it consists.
“When we celebrate an organisation’s longevity, its endurance, its achievements and its successes, we are not celebrating its goals and mission, its organisational structure or its assets, we are not even celebrating its excellent pay grades. What we are celebrating is its people- the most important asset that an organization possesses,” he noted.
He added that the people of an organization are like the keys of an organ, all diverse, some play big roles, some play small roles but every role is equally important and is indispensable to the success of the organisation.
Dr. Cummings said that GWI is extremely grateful for the awardees’ years of hard work and service not only to the company but by extension to the people of Guyana. This, he stated, testifies to their loyalty and hard work towards ensuring that Guyanese are provided with easy access to water and sanitation services. This is especially important during this period of Covid-19 and heightened public health concerns globally.
According to him, the Board of Directors and Management of GWI remain committed to ensuring that the company continues to promote a work culture where there are open lines of communication, clear organisational mission and work life flexibility, avenue and scope for professional development, research, technology, inclusion and innovation, competitive pay and benefits.
Meanwhile, Managing Director of GWI, Dr. Richard Van West-Charles expressed gratitude to the awardees for their outstanding achievements. He said the company looks forward to their continued contribution to the common well-being of the company.
Acknowledging the COVID-19 pandemic, he said that the company is placed at a very critical point given that water is a central product in preventative strategies against the virus.
In this regard, he explained that the company’s response to COVID-19 addresses water access, sustainability of access, supply of power,water quality, the challenges of climate change particularly in the hinterland and the maintenance of the supply.
Dr. Van West-Charles took the opportunity to highlight some of the achievements of the company over the past year. These include increased access to potable water for more than 22,000 customers, the completion of water Treatment plants at Diamond, Sheet Anchor and Uitvlugt, the drilling of more than 28 new wells and increased hours of water supply for residents of Bartica.
The company has also acquired 2 new rigs and by the end of 2020 will be drilling a number of wells in areas such as Farm on the East Bank of Demerara and Fyrish in Region 6. Also, 85% of GWI’s customer base is receiving 24 hour access to water.
The Managing Director also highlighted staff development initiatives over the past year which address the health and well-being as well as training of staff in various competencies.
He thanked the awardees for their outstanding work which has brought the company to this point.
Further, he took the opportunity to remember the staff members the company has lost this year, who had also worked very hard and made significant contributions to the growth and development of the company.
The Board of Directors, Management and entire staff was thanked for their support over the past year.
Executive Director of Human Resources Management & Development, Mr. Elvis Jordon also congratulated all the awardees for their outstanding personal development and achievements.