‘It’s a big difference; no more floods in Buxton/Friendship!’

─Residents commend installation of Million-dollar pump

DPI, Guyana, Monday, February 17, 2020

Since the establishment of a $376.9Million pump station at Buxton/Friendship, the communities have not experienced any flooding.

The station began operation approximately in December 2018 and according to resident Shamal Grant, there has been a “big difference” in the drainage of water.

Speaking with DPI today, Grant a Friendship resident for 17 years noted that previously when it rained it was difficult to get transportation to and from his home.

“Now, when it rains the excessive logging of water that we once experienced is no more… everyone is happy because by the time you wake the next morning all over is dry…” Grant disclosed.

Another resident, Andrew Cummings noted that the pump is a huge asset to the community. “We used to have a lot of flooding and if there was an emergency, those units such as the ambulance or firetrucks were confined to the main road because of the condition of the streets. But since the establishment of the drainage pumps, we don’t have those problems.”

Ann Heyliger of Buxton said gone are the days she worried about the damage the saltwater could cause her plants and livestock.  “I am unbothered,” she remarked.

The pump serves more than 5,000 residents, including some 100 farmers. It covers some 712 hectares (1,760 acres).

The project is among many undertaken by the Coalition government through the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA), to ensure systems are in place to discharge larger quantities of water within a short space of time.