Local businesses get chance to interact with prime contractors in Liza development
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DPI, Guyana, Monday, December 3, 2018
More than 1,000 local companies will have the opportunity to interact with ExxonMobil Guyana’s prime contractors over the next two days during the inaugural Liza Phase One Supplier Development Forum.
The forum is being hosted by the Centre for Local Business Development (CLBD) in collaboration with ExxonMobil at the Marriott Hotel. The forum is intended to facilitate direct communication between Guyanese suppliers/service providers and Exxon’s contractors.
At today’s opening, Esquire of the Department of Energy, Joanna Simmons-Homer noted the forum is important to build and bolster local businesses as commercial partners in the development of Guyana’s petroleum industry.

Country Manager for ExxonMobil Guyana, Rod Henson, and Chairman of the Private Sector Commission Desmond Sears at the opening of the supplier development forum
“The DoE encourages and applauds the work of the CLBD towards the process of building the capacity of local businesses. The standards of the petroleum industry are high, they are exacting and our learning curve is steep. Nonetheless, success stories are emerging and this forum is a birthing ground for even more,” Simmons-Homer said.
Exxon’s Country Manager Rod Henson said local suppliers are strategically important to its operations. “Whether small businesses or large, ExxonMobil recognises that our operations benefit from the experience of the supplier who understands the local business environment,” Henson said.
Henson noted the cost is lower using local suppliers and Exxon will capitalise on that. Henson added his company is committed to helping companies increase their capabilities through the sharing of best practices and working to improve competitiveness of the local supply base to capitalise on opportunities in the industry and afar.
Director of the CLDB, Patrick Henry, noted the forum is aligned with the directive of the CLDB.
The two-day supplier development forum is the first of its kind.
Today, some 300 companies that have expressed interest or requested information from the CLDB will gain a better understanding of the procurement process, expectations and effective approaches in responding to opportunities.
Tomorrow, more than 1,000 local companies, registered on the CLDB’s Supplier Registration Portal, will have an opportunity to interact directly with Exxon and its prime contractors during an exhibition.
Tiffny Rhodius
Image: Keno George