MOU Signed Between the Protected Areas Commission and Iwokrama
A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), in the form of a Technical Assistance Agreement (TAA), was recently signed between the Protected Areas Commission (PAC) and Iwokrama International Centre for Rainforest Conservation and Development.

The purpose of the TAA is to formalize and enhance technical cooperation between the PAC and Iwokrama, particularly to strengthen collaboration in the field of technical assistance on protected area management, biodiversity conservation and climate change. Under this agreement, the PAC and Iwokrama will receive mutual support in several areas including research, capacity development, education and awareness, bio-inventories and fundraising.
Iwokrama and PAC have had a long-standing relationship since the PAC’s creation in 2011 as both entities worked together towards mutual conservation goals of the National Protected Areas System (NPAS) of Guyana. This MOU formalizes that relationship so that both entities can continue to benefit and increase their opportunities through formal collaborations at the national and international levels.

Iwokrama Rainforest was created in 1996 under the Iwokrama International Centre for Rainforest Conservation and Development Act of 1996. It was set up as a protected area to show how forests can be used for social and economic benefits such as food and medicines, while at the same time being sustainably managed and protected. Their programmes contributes significantly to conservation education, awareness and research. Known by the Indigenous Machushi people as a “Place of Refuge”, the Iwokrama Rainforest is a gift to Guyana, the Commonwealth and the world, setting a national standard for sustainable forest practices.