Over 200 Guyanese graduated from the Avasant Foundation’s Digital Skills Training Programme
Over two hundred Guyanese are now equipped with pertinent skills required for them to participate in the new digital economy.

The Digital Skills Training Programme in Guyana commenced in August 2020 where Guyanese youth were trained with industry-relevant digital skills. The programme was open to Guyanese between the ages of 18 to 30 all across the country. This was facilitated by the Avasant Foundation in collaboration with the University of Guyana and was funded by the Inter-American Development Bank Lab.
During the keynote address, Avadant Foundation Global Chief Executive Officer, Mr Kevin Parikh called on the graduates to utilize their skills to make a positive impact on the world around them.

“I’m excited for you because unlike any other time in history, you are entering the workplace at a point in time where anything will be possible. It won’t matter where you’re from, it won’t matter what your education is, believe it or not, having the right skills, however, you will make a difference.”
Delivering remarks on behalf of the Honourable Minister of Education, Chief Education Officer, Dr Marcel Hutson highlighted that the development of digital skills is an integral part of building resilience to economic and social shocks like those presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.

He noted that the Ministry of Education recognizes that the progress of a nation can be no swifter than the progress in education and that the human capital is the fundamental resource. As such, the Ministry has embarked on a plan of action to cultivate and protect such resources. Integral to this process is the bridging of the digital skills gap.
“A skilled labour force is critical in placing a country on a developmental trajectory. We have intentionally emphasized TVET, introducing the Caribbean Qualification Vocation in schools, establishing TVET Centres and the Reintegration of teenage mothers in schools as well as the GOAL Scholarship programme to ensure that our young people remain and contribute to Guyana’s development.”
Vice Chancellor of the University of Guyana, Professor Paloma Mohamed-Marteen stated that this program is significant to the work of the university and plays an important part in shaping not only future students but communities and the future of the country as well. Professor Mohamed-Marteen commended the foundation on its work and committed the university’s support in future programmes.
The Avasant Digital Youth Employment Initiative trains disadvantaged youth in emerging economies in demand-driven technology, customer service, communications and soft skills for succeeding in a corporate work environment.
Avasant Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation in the State of California and works to improve lives and communities by empowering high potential, deserving youth in developing countries through education, employment & entrepreneurship initiatives in the new digital economy.