Over 788 Region One households now benefitting from solar panels

More than 788 solar panels were distributed to households in various communities within the Moruca sub-district, Region One on Tuesday, as part of the government’s ongoing photovoltaic (PV) system distribution initiative.

The region is expected to receive over 8,500 solar panels at the end of the exercise. Approximately 261 panels were distributed to Kwebanna, another 30 panels were handed over to Seven Miles, 196 to Waramuri and Para, over 80 to Huradiah, 120 to Santa Rose and Islands, and 102 panels to Cabora.

Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal

The Department of Public Information (DPI) spoke to several beneficiaries who were elated to receive the systems.

Rosanna Garrido of Kwebanna explained that the solar panel will benefit her family, specifically her son who is in Grade Six and has to study in the evenings.

Beneficiary, Rosanna Garrido

“Due to the condition of the weather right now, I am thankful to the government for the solar panels. We can now use it and we will benefit from it a lot,” Garrido added.

Another beneficiary, Sahiram Adams said, “We were in darkness…But today, our children will benefit. They can do their homework and study more.”

Beneficiary, Sahiram Adams

Kwebanna’s former Toshao Paul Pierre highlighted that the introduction of solar panels will further develop the community, as it will be beneficial to many hinterland communities.

“I think this here is a great step in the direction of helping community members…With development happening across the country and the world, electricity is something important for everyone. It is not only where light is concerned but now, they can have a fan and you can charge your phone. These are important components of the entire electricity scenario. I see this as a big thing happening in the hinterland,” Pierre explained.

Former Toshao of Kwebanna, Paul Pierre

Before receiving the solar panel, Evelyn Thornhill explained that it was difficult for her to do her work.  

“I thank the president because I can now do my work in the nights…Life is going to change because I can see the children are going to study more in the nights,” Thornhill expressed.

Distribution of solar panels in Moruca, Region One

Meanwhile, Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal stated that the $1.4 billion investment will ensure that all hinterland and riverine communities have access to solar power.   

“Part of our commitment is to fast-track communities in making a better livelihood for yourselves. If you are talking about a better quality of life, it also means that we must be able to access potable water and electricity,” Minister Croal underscored.

Beneficiary, Monessa Edwards

The minister also disclosed that other major developments in areas like infrastructure, healthcare, potable water, and the construction of modern secondary schools will also have a positive impact on the region.

“We want your children to make use of the opportunities. You don’t have to go anywhere else; we are spending in the region. We are equipping the region. We are training the teachers…All we want you to do is to work with us,” Minister Croal noted.

A demonstration of how to use and upkeep the solar systems

About 30,000 solar panels will be distributed to rural, riverine, and hinterland regions under the Solar Home Systems Project.

Regional Vice Chairman, Anansha Peters, other officials, and technical officers were also present during the distribution exercise.