Post-election expectations

−Oil revenues must benefit all Guyanese

DPI, Guyana, Monday, March 2, 2020

Dawn Gordon of Klein Pouderoyen, West Bank Demerara who operates a ‘sweets stand’ is expecting the oil revenues to be shared evenly among Guyanese.

While tending her business on Elections Day Dawn told DPI, “With the oil coming, you’d vote for the government that you think will share the money the right way. Old people, persons with disabilities should benefit.”


Dawn Gordon, Klein Pouderoyen resident.

She noted that while emphasis will most likely be placed on youths, senior citizens must also see benefits, especially those who have worked for many years in the private sector.

The fact that seniors who never contributed to the National Insurance Scheme can receive a pension is a plus in her books.

“My mother is 80 years old and she never worked in the public sector, she did domestic work, and now she is getting to benefit so with that I’m glad the pension is a bit more now and others just like my mother is benefitting from it.”

Dawn was among those who cast their ballots early.