President Ali, PM Phillips join Phagwah celebrations in Georgetown
His Excellency, Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali and First Lady Mrs. Arya Ali, along with Prime Minister, Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips M.P, on Friday, joined scores of Guyanese in celebrating Phagwah at the Georgetown Cricket Club.
The Head of State said the festive occasion clearly demonstrates the true importance of life.

“It is when we cherish these moments, when we erase all negativity surrounding these moments and we understand the significance of these moments, that we are able to enjoy life and find more meaning to life,” Dr. Ali told the cheerful crowd.
He said the colourful festival showcases Guyana’s true nature. If the combination of colours could be transferred into creating a unified environment, then Guyana’s achievements would be enormous, the President stated.

“As we still are learning to live with COVID-19 and we still are learning the long-term consequences, let us reassure ourselves the fact that we are still here, reassure ourselves that we are resilient as a community in one of the most difficult periods in our lifetime.
Let us spare a moment to reflect on our brothers and sisters who did not make it, and in so doing, understand the short nature of life,” the President urged.

Further, the Guyanese leader told celebrants that even amid the celebration, to remember their fellow Guyanese and those around the world who may be facing serious challenges.
“As we celebrate, we must spare a moment of good thought, silent prayer for these people around the world because we are after all one family of humanity,” he added.

Also present at the festive event were former president, Donald Ramotar, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Hugh Todd, M.P, Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly, Lennox Shuman, M.P, and members of the diplomatic corps.

Indian High Commissioner to Guyana, Dr. K. J. Srinivasa said Phagwah is not only a festival of colours, but also denotes love, joy, happiness and unity.

Holi or Phagwah as it is commonly called in Guyana, was brought here by our East Indian fore-parents centuries ago. It is an annual Hindu festival of colours celebrating the arrival of spring.
Several government ministers have fanned out nationwide to participate in the Holi celebrations.