President Ali urges newly sworn-in surveyors to let the law be their guide

His Excellency Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali has urged the 17 newly sworn-in land surveyors of the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission (GL&SC) to let the law be their guide, as they execute their duties.  The graduates were sworn in on Friday at a simple ceremony held in the Baridi Benab at State House.

President Ali, referring to the Land Surveyors Profession Act passed in 2014, reminded the surveyors that character and reputation matter.

“The Act is your rulebook. It numerates the activities proper to your profession. It also stipulates the qualifications and requirements for registration as land surveyors. The Act must become your guide as you engage in the practice of land surveying.”

The President told the land surveyors they are expected to embody ethical responsibility, epitomise spotless integrity and act with the utmost competence. He said they provide a vital service, which ensures the protection of property rights and the orderly use of land which are important for planning and executing development works.

“You are an important asset in safeguarding the natural resources of our country. And let me be very frank, temptations will be very high out there especially with the way the economy is taking off, but that is when you have to rely on the oath that you took, the oath that requires you to adhere to certain standards.”

The President said the demand for land surveyors will increase in the next 10 years as the economy expands. He noted that economic development will skyrocket as the Government seeks to develop 50,000 house lots, develop a new city and private sector development intensifies. The President added that the Government is committed to addressing the need for qualified and experienced surveyors through training.

“As the country expands and its complexity deepens, there will be greater need for highly-skilled individuals. Priority is to be accorded to implementing a comprehensive system of education and a system aimed at producing the skills which are necessary to drive Guyana’s economic transformation. Government is committed to training and advancing the training of land surveyors.”

The President said the surveyors would be able to benefit from the 20,000 online scholarship programmes, with courses tailored to advance their careers.

The surveyors who took the Oath were from the 2018 and 2019 batches of students who completed a full year of training with other senior land surveyors.  They received training in land law, surveying theory, measuring science, astronomy and mathematics.

The 17 new surveyors are Mr. Afridi Ali, Mr. Kelwin Gittens, Ms. Amanda Bobb-Semple, Ms. Tearra Fredericks, Mr. Ashton Blair, Mr. Aclint Weeks, Mr. Anop Chetram, Mr. Alex Pearson, Mr. Dale Fraser, Mr. Colin Henry, Mr. Akeen Banjamin, Mr. Terrence Griffith, Ms. Lisa Allicock, Mr. Alex Lord, Mr. Dahron Hopkinson, Ms. Natasha Rameswar and Mr. Alejando Latchman. Minister of Housing and Water, Hon. Collin Croal, Commissioner (Ag.) of the GL&SC, Mr. Enrique Monize and Deputy Commissioner, Mr. Michael Hutson also attended the ceremony.

President, Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali along with Minister of Housing and Water, Hon. Collin Croal, Commissioner (Ag.) of the GLSC, Mr. Enrique Monize, Deputy Commissioner, Mr. Michael Hutson, Board Members of the GLSC and the newly sworn-in land surveyors