Region one NGSA top performers honored
… Seven boys among top 10
(8th July, 2018)- The Ministry of Education (MoE) last Friday recognized Region one (Barima-Waini) top ten National Grade Six Assessment performers with seven boys included in the group. At a ceremony to hounour the children at the Mabaruma Primary school, Minister of Social Cohesion Dr George Norton who was a part of the visiting team said he came from a similar background like the children of Mabaruma area although there were much less development during that time.
Minister Norton said the challenges he faced did not deter him from achieving and encouraged the children to stay the course and continue to work to better themselves. Further, Minister said he is aware of the challenges parents encounter with having school aged children.

Notwithstanding that, he said it was incumbent on parents and guardians to play a meaningful role in assisting to educate their children. According to Dr Norton the Region One has a good track record of performing well and churning out notable Guyanese and charged the children to keep up that momentum.
Chief Education Officer (CEO), Mr Marcel Hutson in his address to the gathering explained that it is important for good performance to be recognized and to encourage those who have not done so well. “Your life is not determined by how you begin… It is how you intend to script the ending”. The CEO said the MoE is serious about improving performances across the country.
Mr Hutson is of the view that every region across Guyana has the capacity to do well and with commitment and support by all stakeholders change can be made in a positive and impactful manner. Towards this end the CEO said that it is important that all concern work together to transform the education system. Looking ahead Hutson quipped that in 2019 he is optimistic that all our children can get 50 percent and more for all subject areas tested at NGSA.
However, in order to achieve this the CEO said teachers must keep training and parents must be in alignment with the work of the MoE if they are to see continuous improved performance. “We will not go back to those days of bad grades so we have to put our resources together”. The CEO noted that the MoE will continue to invest its time and resources to bring about the necessary changes. He said that there cannot be a more profitable area to invest in apart from education.
The former teacher said it will be remiss of him not to point out an observation, which is, seven boys are a part of the top ten NGSA children in Region One. This is at a time when the performance of boys has waned somewhat. According to Mr Hutson this situation is extremely encouraging and affirmed the MoE’s commitment to improving the quality of education for boys.
Also addressing the children was Director of Sports Christopher Jones. He said that the children should be proud of their performances and encouraged them to find time to play a sport. Jones believes that this approach foster rounded citizens.
The children recognized were Romario De Souza, Ashira Marciano, Antwon Cush, Triselle Brady, Morano Kenneth, Methodius Chacon, Nicola Atkinson, Shenella Henry, Jazer Torres, Jodeci Fernandes and Orande Fernandes.