REO meets with hire car operators in Region 2

Several issues were raised when newly appointed Region 2 REO Devanand Ramdatt met with a group of Hire Car operators in the Regional Boardroom on Thursday following their request. Among the matters raised were parking, the conduct of some drivers and the absence of Police Officers primarily at the Supenaam Stelling.
It was highlighted that the area in which they operate is not convenient and that it is too distant from the port; making it difficult for some passengers to traverse, particularly the disabled and the elderly.
Cars are also being parked in front of some business places, which is also of concern. They further alluded to the construction of vending units on the eastern side of the roadway which was done through the Supenaam Waterfront Project and it is causing further congestion for parking. They have asked for them to be removed so as to allow for more space within the vicinity.
In acknowledgement, the REO stated that there is a plan to construct a permanent parking facility and that efforts are ongoing to ascertain the ownership of a vacant Plot of land that is ideally suited for the purpose. He also disclosed that the Waterfront Project is not officially commissioned and as such contact will be made with the Honourable Minister of Public Works Mr. Juan Edghill for his intervention.
It was further noted that the Waterfront Establishment is in need of seating accommodation in the waiting area along with the redesigning of the Ramp which was deemed dangerous for passengers. The group also brought to the attention of the REO the need for the Farmers’ Wharf to be rehabilitated along with the improvement of the drainage network there.
In the interim, the decision was made for the hire cars to be temporarily parked within the identified space between the Police Hut and the Forestry building where signs will be placed at Supenaam. The issue of private hire cars operating was also raised. They were told by the Regional Commander, who was present that a campaign has commenced and several persons were already placed before the Courts. She further advised that the Police should be immediately informed of anyone committing the act. Meanwhile, the REO called on the group to resuscitate the Essequibo Hire Cars’ Association which he indicated has been dormant for a number of years.
He added that a formal body can bring positive changes to the sector and that the Regional Administration is committed to working closely with the body at improving the existing conditions. The group was pleased with the discourse and the REO has promised to meet with other stakeholders from the industry. It was also noted that disorderly parking exists at Charity and Suddie and the REO has undertaken to address those matters at subsequent outreach forums.
The meeting was also attended by the DREO Mr. Haimraj Hamandeo, AREO Ms. Yvette Tiffares, Regional Commander Ms. Crystal Robinson, Regional Engineer Mr. Kawan Suchit, Ms Suean Seewnarine Vice President of the Essequibo Chamber of Commerce and Industry, along with representatives from the Good Hope/Pomona NDC and the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission.