Stevedore, Tucville residents grateful for $2.5M bridge

Residents of Stevedore and Tucville, Georgetown are happy that the $2.5 million timber bridge is completed.

This is in keeping with a promise made to the community by the government at a community walkabout a few months ago.

The bridge, constructed by King’s Construction, now stands as a testament to the government’s dedication to improving the lives of its citizens.

Bridge linking Stevedore to Tucville

This newly constructed bridge holds significant importance for the hundreds of residents in the area, providing them with much-needed access to schools and other essential facilities.

The Department of Public Information (DPI) took the time to speak with several residents, who all expressed their heartfelt gratitude for this transformative project.

Children utilising the bridge

One such resident, Julia Duncan, praised the venture, expressing how much it means to the community.

“It’s a very good venture. Around the area, I know a lot of people feel pleased about it, and it is so nice that even the children can walk across comfortably…I sometimes get dizzy spells, and having this bridge makes me feel comfortable about moving around,” Duncan noted.

Julia Duncan, resident

Echoing similar sentiments, Edwin Waddell shared his satisfaction with the bridge’s completion.

“It’s so wonderful, and it’s much more comfortable now. We have a school in the Stevedore scheme, and the children used to cross this bridge to get to school before, but now it’s even better. Everybody around this area feels really satisfied about it,” he said.

Edwin Waddell, resident

For some residents, like Irene Marad, the completion of this bridge marks a turning point for the community.

She expressed her delight at witnessing development in the area after a long time. “For me, I see lots of development, and I very much appreciate that we are going somewhere. This has been a long time coming, and I see that they have done a very good job.”

Irene Marad, resident

Another beneficiary, Jermain James expressed, “I feel really good and comfortable because now the school children can be at ease when they are heading to and from school. They don’t have to be in danger anymore. It makes me feel proud and good because progress is happening in the area. I urge the authorities to continue the good work they are doing and keep it up, so we can feel proud of what’s going on.”

Jermain James, resident

The government’s dedication to investing in infrastructure that benefits its citizens is evident through this project, and the appreciation and satisfaction voiced by the residents demonstrate the positive impact it has brought to their lives.