CSEC, CAPE students elated with exam results
DPI, Guyana, Friday, August 17, 2018
Topping Guyana with nineteen Grade Ones at the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) examinations is Queen’s College student, Christian Pile.
During a sit-down with the Department of Public Information (DPI) Pile expressed his excitement and pride with his achievements. According to the top student, he had “definitely worked hard for it” since the preparation to undertake nineteen subjects was “no easy feat.”

Pile remarked that while he expected to perform well, he “did not expect to get the top position” as other students would have attempted to write more subjects. He explained that while preparing for the examination he was still required to balance extra lessons, regular classes and completing School-Based Assessments (SBAs). However, he did make time for recreation noting that there must be a balance between the two.
DPI also spoke with Areeb Ali, who gained seventeen Grade Ones which placed him fourth in the country. Ali remarked that he also is proud of his performance and had all the confidence that he would have done well. He said that “it’s only hard if you make it hard” underscored that “time management is very important.”
Jeevan Dalip, also of Queen’s College gained six Grade Ones in the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency examinations which placed him among the nation’s top performers. Dalip said he made use of his ample his free time by dedicating his weekends to studying.
“I made sure on my weekends I put in a lot of work because during the weekdays when you have school you often feel very tired.”
All three top performers stated that while hard work is the key to success, there should be a balance between school and recreation.
The parents of the young men expressed their pride in their children’s achievements.
Nigel Pile and Fayann Simpson-Pile, Christian Pile’s parents said they are “grateful that he was indeed able to accomplish one hundred percent of what he set out to do” and even more so since he topped the country at this year’s CXC.
Fayann Simpson-Pile, who is a teacher by profession, disclosed that she spent many hours with her son working with him after school and “proofreading his SBAs.”
Areeb Ali’s father, Shabeer Ali, said he feels “very proud” of his son’s achievement.
By: Anara Khan
Images: Jameel Mohamed