‘Game over’ for race baiters, anti-development forces – President Ali
President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali has made it clear that the PPP/C Administration will put an end to the opposition’s race narrative by working with every citizen in the country’s development process.
The president during a live Facebook broadcast on Wednesday, stood in solidarity with Minister of Public Service Sonia Parag, after a recent incident in Belladrum, West Coast Berbice, where she was denied access to a Community Development Council building.

President Ali, during a recent visit to the area, had informed residents that Minister Parag would work closely with the community to further its development.
While visiting the village to meet with youths on opportunities they could benefit from, the minister was prevented by APNU+AFC Member of Parliament Vinceroy Jordan and a small group of opposition supporters.
The president is adamant that there is a group that is politically directed to block the development of their community.
“Your political narrative of using race as your mobilising tool has come to an end, it is over, game over. We are going to destroy it and bury it in the ground. As president, I’m going to work on every single community, so this directive that you have given to block ministers and to block villages it’s not going to work because the people are coming along.
“We are ready to embrace every single citizen, our agenda is to embrace all of you in the development process,” President Ali affirmed.
However, this will not hinder the government from ensuring that every citizen benefits from available opportunities.
“Let me be very clear, this government is going to work in every single community, but what is bothering me is that it seems like some political operatives at the behest of a central command, have been directed to obstruct the work of the government in different communities, have been directed to create barriers in the different communities for the government,” the president said.
The head of state made it clear that communities do not belong to any political party.
“They have used the propaganda of race, and they have used the propaganda of division so intensely in their political work, that the sight of ministers of government working in every single community, destroying that narrative, destroying that only tool that they seem to have in their possession, is really hitting them hard,” President Ali asserted.
The president noted too that many persons who are seeing the developments and are working with the government on the development agenda are also being ridiculed.
“This is totally immature and I want to congratulate Minister Sonia and all the other ministers for holding her ground and letting them understand that every single community, every single village, and every single Guyanese is sacred to this government.
“Be prepared for the progressive hands of the government to work with you side by side and to develop their country every community, every day, bringing prosperity to every home”, the president reiterated.
He is urging Guyanese to reject such behaviour and not fall prey to the propaganda of the selective group.