Guyana’s labour force strengthened with over 4,500 persons being certified
The government is continuously investing in the development of Guyana’s human resource capital and the labour force, through the execution of technical and vocational training programmes, throughout the length and breadth of Guyana.
When the beneficiaries complete their programmes, they can embark on various entrepreneurship opportunities to earn an income, making them more marketable in today’s evolving economy.

Graduates are also encouraged to utilise the many services provided by the Central Manpower and Recruitment Agency (CRMA).
These programmes have also strengthened the economy for many communities.
Over 4,500 Guyanese have been certified in several technical and vocational skills through the Ministry of Labour-Board of Industrial Training (BIT) from 2023 to date.
Four thousand three and seventy-one persons were trained last year while 157 persons have been trained so far in 2024.
In 2023, 187 persons from Region One were certified in several technical areas, 617 in Region Two, 320 in Region Three, 1,187 in Region Four, 254 in Region Five, 697 in Region Six, 265 in Region Seven, 113 in Region Eight, 190 in Region Nine and 543 in Region Ten.

This year, $500 million was allocated to expand the reach of skill training programmes benefitting 7,890 persons.
Some 45 heavy-duty equipment operators were certified in 2024 and 112 persons were trained in Floral Designs and Events Décor, Information Technology, Office Administration, Commercial Food Preparation, Elementary Sewing, Cosmetology, and Automative Electrical Level One.
A graduate of Kitty, Jonathan Garnett, highlighted how the programme has enriched his skill set and prospects.
Now licensed, Garnett looks forward to employment opportunities in the field and plans to pursue online courses offered through a collaboration between Coursera and the Ministry of Labour.
Another graduate from La Parfaite Harmonie, Remona Williams, emphasised her journey of breaking traditional gender norms in pursuing typically male-dominated programmes.
She further stated, “It is an overwhelming feeling because at first when I started, I was scared of getting onto the machine and doing the basic stuff. Now, I was able to overcome that feeling…And they cannot get me out of the machine.”
Following the launching of several more technical programmes countrywide, more than 300 persons are currently undergoing various courses.
Region | BIT programmes | Number of beneficiaries |
One | Small engine Repairs | 20 |
Two | Cosmetology | 45 |
Three | Heavy Duty Equipment Operation | 30 |
Four | Heavy Duty Equipment Operation, Plumbing, Welding and Fabrication & Electrical Installation | 82 |
Five | Welding and Fabrication, Electrical Installation, & Commercial Food Preparation | 30 |
Nine | General Building Construction & Welding and Fabrication | 30 |
Ten | Heavy Duty Equipment Operation, Electrical Installation, Commercial Food Preparation & A/C Servicing and Repairs | 83 |
To ensure that Guyanese have access to the necessary facilities to undergo their training sessions, several technical training centres are currently under construction in Oronoque in Port Kaituma in Region One and Corriverton and New Amsterdam in Region Six.
These modern training centres are being constructed in accordance with the Caribbean Vocational Qualifications (CVQ) standards.
As Guyana’s economic landscape continues to accelerate, the government is cognisant that investments in educational opportunities for Guyanese is key.