Online education more accessible for St. Cuthbert’s residents
– as Digicel launched 4G LTE service
Access to online educational opportunities for over 1800 residents of St. Cuthbert Mission is now easier as they have better connectivity with the launch of Digicel’s 4G LTE service.
The launch of the LTE service in the only Amerindian community in Region Four means faster internet speeds and better access to information.

Prime Minister Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips said it is a “big day” for the people of the community.
“It is the transformation as a government that we are talking about…this improved service will help to develop Guyana. The development all of us are hoping for. It means that not only can you be at home and make a call that is clearer to any part of the world, you can get on the internet not only for fun, not only for social media but also for education,” the Prime Minister remarked.
He said this now makes it easier for persons to have access to the Guyana Online Academy of Learning (GOAL) scholarship which is made available to Guyanese free of cost.
Persons can also access online learning from universities locally, regionally, and internationally for self-development.
“It has opened the doors for many possibilities for self-development, for development of the children and general development of the community because it also helps you in establishing business contacts…so, having better communication, better telephone, better ICT increase the possibilities as to not only business but your personal life, the development of your community, the education of yourself, the education of your children,” he started.
The Prime Minister noted that the service residents of St. Cuthbert’s Mission are now enjoying is a result of the liberalisation of the telecommunications sector just two by the Government just two months after assuming office.
He stressed that government intends to ensure that all Guyanese have access to better internet whether they reside on the coastland or the hinterland.
It was also disclosed during the launch that government is in discussion with service providers to support the expansion of their services throughout the country.
“We have an ongoing discussion on making more spectrum available not only to Digicel but to all the other service providers because it is the intention of our government to have better internet service throughout Guyana,” he stated.
Meanwhile, Deputy Toshao of the community, Leroy Gunpat said it is a big boost for the community.

“For quite a long time we were left behind but today we can safely say that Digicel has given us that opportunity where we can sit back, relax, enjoy and have our phone calls right from the comfort of our homes.”
Similar sentiments were echoed by Luke Simon, a resident who stressed the importance of connectivity to the community.
“We had a very poor communication system in St. Cuthbert’s but how I see it now, it has made a lot of difference in these few days since the tower has been established. Because it is a need I see where our school children and youths who want to embark on their future lives to make something of themselves and if they do not have this, I think it would kind of make their lives a bit harder,” Simon said.
Chief Executive Officer of Digicel, Gregory Deen said the hope is to deliver faster internet speeds to more remote communities throughout the country.