APNU trying to ‘incite’ fear among voters in major townships as a last-minute resort – PPP GS
As the June 12 Local Government Elections draws closer, the PNC-led A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) is trying to incite fear among voters in major townships across Guyana by peddling misinformation.
This was pointed out by General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Dr Bharrat Jagdeo at his press conference on Thursday.

Dr Jagdeo said these antics were anticipated since APNU’s attempt to block the elections through court challenges was unsuccessful.
In addition, he said that they have not been able to gain traction in communities where they obtained large support in the past.
“Now, clearly, they’re very worried about what’s happening in the city and in New Amsterdam and Linden in particular.
“Therefore, they have to step up on the campaign of fear, they have nothing positive to say to people because they have been there all these years, and they couldn’t do anything for the people, they neglected their communities too. So, the fear element is the only way they’re hoping to drive the voters out. They knew it worked well in the past so they are busy inventing the lies,” he disclosed.
The general secretary dismissed the contentions that under a PPP-controlled council in the various townships, property taxes will be raised. He reminded that it was the PPP/C who in the 2018 LGE campaigned against the increase in property taxes.
He recalled that it was the former administration’s Minister of Communities that signed a $335 million contract for an updated property valuation system.
“We campaigned against this in 2018 that this will not happen. So, they had plans to raise rates, the only reason that this did not happen is the PPP won the 2018 Local Government Elections, we filed the no-confidence motion immediately thereafter … or by now, across the country, people would have seen massive increases in their property taxes,” he pointed out.
Amnesty was also granted to businesses.
“They (business people) got all their back taxes cleared for pittance but the city did not collect the money. It went to individuals because they took a bribe,” the generalsecretary pointed out.
Dr Jagdeo reminded that it is not the government’s intention to remove vendors in Georgetown.
“I thought by now they’ll drop the issue about us getting rid of the vendors from the streets because we have made it clear that it is not so, we have spoken openly about it but until now they’re still campaigning on that.”
Dr Jagdeo also dismissed the APNU’s claims that squatters will be removed once the PPP has control over the major townships.
“They’re campaigning that we’re breaking down squatters on Front Road and different parts of Sophia. We met with the people there, and we assure them that we’ll work with them but until we can safely accommodate people elsewhere, they have absolutely nothing to worry about,” he added.