Deaf Association hosts second annual art competition.
DPI, GUYANA, Thursday, December 7, 2017
The Deaf Association of Guyana (DAG) recently held it second art competition under the theme “Nature Studies-my Green Guyana” showcasing the creative talent of hearing impaired students.

The winners of the Deaf Annual Art competition.
Participants were drawn from David Rose School for the Handicapped, as well as schools in Diamond, Linden, New Amsterdam, Tuschen, Corriverton, Bartica and Annai.
According to Sabine McIntosh, President of the Deaf Association, the year’s theme for the competition is in keeping with the country’s thrust towards a green economy. She added that the participants needed to capture Guyana’s natural environment in all its forms.
The art competition that caters for the participation of deaf students and out-of-school youths is a collaborative effort between the association and the Ministry of Education. It targets youths between the ages of 5 and 25. The categories ranged from black and white and colour drawings to oil pastels.
In the Black and White pencil drawing category, first place for ages 9-14, went to Aleem Basseer, Reon Herman took the top prize in the 15-18 group and 19-25 went to to Areefa Budhud.
Awardees for Colour drawings from eight and under are Anaya Lall and Angel Marks – first and second places respectively. In the 9-14 category, Faith Bennet took the top spot with Aleem Basseer coming in second. The 15-18 group saw Walton Williams and Mark Milton taking the two top spots respectively. Kishanie Krishan was the winner in the 19-25 group.
Top spots in Oil Pastel category were eight and under – Anaya Lall; 9-14 – Aleem Basseer; 15-18- Mark Milton and 19-25 – Jaidoe Nankissore.

Some of the art pieces on display at the Deaf Annual Art competition.

Some of the art pieces on display at the Deaf Annual Art competition.

Some of the art pieces on display at the Deaf Annual Art competition.

Some of the art pieces on display at the Deaf Annual Art competition.

Some of the art pieces on display at the Deaf Annual Art competition.

Some of the art pieces on display at the Deaf Annual Art competition.
By: Neola Damon
For more photos, click on the link to the DPI’s Flickr Page