Energy and ICT key for economic growth – Prime Minister Phillips

– Says Govt aggressively working to bridge gaps for hinterland development

Prime Minister, Brigadier (Ret’d), the Honourable Mark Phillips today updated Amerindian leaders across Guyana on a number of transformative projects in the energy and telecommunications sectors.

The Prime Minister, who is responsible for both sectors, told representatives at the National Toshaos Conference at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre on the East Coast of Demerara that the sectors will foster development throughout Guyana, including in all indigenous communities.

“Energy is key for the economic growth of Guyana and for an improved quality of life for all Guyanese. The PPP/C is committed to provide affordable, stable and reliable energy to benefit both households and businesses.”

The senior government official emphasised that since taking office in August of 2020, the Government has worked tirelessly to bridge the gap in services to remote and far-flung hinterland communities.

He also stated that the Government is implementing an energy mix programme that will result in more than 400 megawatts for commercial, industrial and residential areas, including indigenous communities.

“So we are investing heavily in ensuring that we bridge what I will call the energy divide, ensuring you and your communities get electrical power.”

He said to achieve this it is necessary to first “complete the Amelia falls hydro project, moving towards clean, reliable, affordable power supply. Secondly, producing excess of 200 megawatts in the interim from natural gas. Thirdly, invest in solar and wind systems for off grid areas”.

During his presentation, he also stated that the Government will take immediate action to improve and upgrade the national grid, as well as develop micro grids for large hinterland villages, which will benefit hinterland communities. He also indicated that the administration intends to expand the hinterland electrification programme in an effort to bridge the gap that exists between the hinterland and coastal communities.


The Prime Minister related that the Government recognises that information and communication technology plays a pivotal role in supporting national development and in building the economy for the future.

He noted that the Government is “committed to developing the infrastructure and providing the enabling environment to promote the use of ICT across Guyana including in all of your communities and villages”.

Plans to develop and promote ICT Access & E-Services will be in place for the entire country.

Speaking on job creation, the Prime Minister said the development of ICT would also help to advance other sectors such as health, education, security, infrastructure, agriculture and social development.

 “We will promote e-governance which will improve the productivity of businesses and delivery of general service through the introduction of e-health, e-education, e-security, e-agriculture and electronic permit unlicensed processing etc…. “We recognise that ICT is an enabler not for providing services only to the people but for job creation. The ICT sector therefore, if properly incentivise can generate thousands of new jobs through co-investment, providing infrastructure support, state sponsored training, and employment opportunities for the disabled.”

Additionally, training for ICT and the expansion of internet access are also being pursued for the future development and enhancement of hinterland communities.