Essequibo/Pomeroon co-op to benefit from new headquarter building
DPI, Guyana, Tuesday, October 31, 2017
The Guyana National Co-operative Union Limited (GNCUL) and the Essequibo/Pomeroon Regional Co-operative Union Limited (E/PRCUL), through the Ministry of Social Protection today met with Ganesh and Poonwattie Jaigobin to sign an agreement which will see the construction of the new Co-op Union building in Anna Regina, Region Two.

Members of Guyana National Co-operative Union Limited and the Essequibo/Pomeroon Regional Co-operative Union Limited and Ganesh and Poonwattie Jaigobin reviewing the contract and the new building design before signing the agreement.
According to Chairman of the Interim Management Committee of GNCUL, Derrick Cummings, the agreement stemmed from a complaint filed three years ago by E/PRCUL to the then opposition (APNU) against Ganesh and Poonwattie Jaigobin, over the encroachment of land and property belonging to the union.
Cummings noted that overtime the two parties were able to come to a resolution through dialogue, which will now lead to the construction of a Co-op Union building on another plot of land.
“A cease order was placed (by lands commission), so that Mr. Jaigobin could not operate or expand his business. But through negotiations and discussions and instead of having everything tied up and stalled by the court and no one benefiting, the lands commission identified another plot of land that is satisfactory to E/PRCUL…The Jaigobins have consented to pay for that plot of land and to construct a building”, Cummings clarified.
In addition to paying for the land and constructing the building, the Jaigobins will also clear and develop the land and erect two fences.
He commended the residents of Region two, the co-op union and the Jaigobins for their willingness to resolve the issue and expressed the hope that the agreement will serve as an example of successful conflict resolution.

Chairman of the Interim Management Committee, GNCUL, Derrick Cummings and Ganesh Jaigobin, signing the agreement.
Meanwhile, the Chairman Cummings said that ultimately the co-op union saw the need for private partnerships to collaborate with co-operatives. This example he believes will set the tone for more businesses to work together with the union.
“Once co-operatives are successful, it means money is generated and money will be spent at the business. And once the business is there to provide goods and services then those goods and services will contribute to a better life for people”, said Cummings.
Anna Regina Businessman Ganesh Jaigobin said he is elated that the matter was resolved to the benefit of both parties.
“I think both parties would benefit here. I want to assure you that whatever is in the plan and the cost, I will deliver the same. I want to deliver a good building…I promise I will deliver what is expected”.
Twelve co-operatives will be registered immediately and are expected to benefit, while others will be rehabilitated. The signing of the agreement was witnessed and signed by members of the State Asset Recovery Act, the Jaigobins and representatives from E/PRCUL and GNCUL.
By: Crystal Stoll

Ganesh Jaigobin, Businessman gives remarks at the signing of the agreement ceremony.

Chairman of the Interim Management Committee, GNCUL, Derrick Cummings gives remarks at the signing of the agreement ceremony.