From all aspects, Amaila Falls project is very good, fits in to the LCDS – Minister Indar

As government continues work on the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project (AFHP), Minister within the Ministry of Public Works Hon. Deodat Indar on Thursday, reminded Guyanese that the massive development will benefit all of Guyana.

During an interview on the National Communications Network (NCN), Minister Indar noted that the hydropower project, expected to commence construction in 2022 and be completed in 2025, will add 165 megawatts (MW) of energy to the grid.

Cabinet recently granted its ‘no objection’ for the Office of the Prime Minister to engage China Railway Group Limited to construct the AFHP based on a Build-Own-Operate-Transfer (BOOT) model. The company will supply electricity to the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) Inc. at a cost not exceeding US$0.07737 per KWH and where the company will provide the entire equity required by the project and undertake all the risks associated with the project.

This follows the publication of a request for proposals by the government in various national newspapers during the period July to August, 2021.

 Four companies submitted proposals, and China Railway Group Limited was identified as the most ‘capable partner’ by the Evaluation Committee after a rigorous evaluation process.

Minster Indar said “$0.77 cents is far cheaper than what we produce power at right now… This is cheap reliable power and it’s one of the projects that fits into our Low Carbon Development Strategy on our net-zero position going into the future.

One, it is good for the people’s pocket because it will be cheaper electricity to them;(and) it is good for the planet because it is renewable energy,” he explained.

The project will also support initiatives such as the electrification of transport and e-mobility and accelerate the development of a robust ICT sector needed for an interconnected world, as well as a competitive manufacturing sector.

The minister underscored that the hydropower project is quite feasible and recalled that various studies have since justified and strongly supported its construction.