Gov’t accelerates $99.5M Georgetown Road maintenance

Government, through the Ministry of Public Works, Special Project Unit accelerates its $99.5 million road maintenance programme in the capital city.

These works are to remedy defects developed during the rainy season and will restore the safety, serviceability, structural capacity and appearance of the roads.

In order to remedy the current flaws, the city was divided into five quadrants and a visual inspection of each quadrant was conducted which identified and prioritised the thoroughfares for emergency remedial works. 

Sectional rehabilitation or overlaying is part of the works catered for; these include but are not limited to roadway excavation followed by the placing of minimum white sand or sand clay and minimum aggregate base layer and 50 millimeters (mm) asphaltic concrete.

A city road under construction

Additionally, several potholes will be remedied. This includes squaring and cleaning of potholes, place and compact aggregate base finishing with some 50 mm asphaltic concrete as directed by the engineer.  

Asphaltic concrete for the project will be supplied by the Public Works Ministry, while contractors will be paid to transport, place and compact the material according to technical specification.

Minister, Bishop Juan Edghill MP says the advance works are in keeping with Government’s development agenda and also to ensure that the nation’s roadways are safe and secure.

The Minister is appealing to road users to exercise patience, noting that traffic diversions have been enforced to facilitate several road projects.

Some $25.6 billion has also been approved for the rehabilitation and construction of roads and bridges under Budget 2021.