Gov’t responds swiftly to repair koker at Canal No 1

Immediate remedial action from the government has prevented flooding in Canal No.1 Village following the failure of the koker’s middle door.

On Wednesday, President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali coordinated a team from the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA), GuySuCo, and GAICO Engineering to promptly install temporary stop logs to prevent water from overtopping.

The middle door of the koker at Canal Number One failed under the high tide on Wednesday

Once the tide subsides, engineers will replace the temporary solution with a sustainable and permanent metal door and concrete structures.

“That is how we are doing all kokers now…New kokers will all be stainless steel. That will avoid this [from recurring],” President Ali said.

Efforts to fabricate additional back up doors are underway as works continue to permanently repair the damaged koker.

The koker’s middle door collapsed under pressure due to an unprecedented increase in tide flow.

The new metal and concrete structures will provide a more stable and pressure-resistant apparatus.

The government is investing $115 billion to improve the nation’s drainage and irrigation systems. Some 39 major pumps have already been installed across the country.

Emphasis is also being placed on upgrading over 60 sluices, procuring 40 mobile pumps, and building 19 additional pump stations across the country.

In addition, the rehabilitation of the pump stations at Belle Vue at Canal Number One, have commenced.

These efforts are designed to reduce the frequency of floods nationwide.