Moving Guyana forward together
DPI, Guyana, Sunday, January 19, 2020
On Sunday evening, Prime Minister, Hon. Moses Nagamootoo, who is performing the duties of President reminded Guyanese of the progress the country has made over the last four years under the Coalition government.
He was at the time addressing residents during a community engagement in La Parfaite Harmony, West Bank Demerara.
Prime Minister Nagamootoo reminded that in their first term, the Coalition made significant progress across all sectors particularly in education, infrastructure and health. “We have seen an acceleration of development all across the country,” he said as he listed various projects executed under the Coalition administration.

Prime Minister, Hon. Moses Nagamootoo with Director General of the Ministry of the Presidency, Joseph Harmon greeting residents at the community engagement in La Parfaite Harmony
Recalling the recent session of the G77 where Guyana accepted the chairmanship of the group, he noted that the country was commended on their accelerated development over the last few years.
“The confidence in Guyana, the image of Guyana has been given a boost because of its leadership,” the Prime Minister remarked. As such, he asked the residents to be mindful of the type of leaders they will be electing into office at the upcoming General and Regional Elections on March 2, 2020.
He underscored that it was with the people in mind, the administration executed their duties and engaged in grassroots democracy. Prime Minister Nagamootoo pointed out that this is evident as the Coalition travelled across the country taking their services to the people.
Director General (DG) of the Ministry of the Presidency, Joseph Harmon also echoed similar sentiments. He remarked that with all that is being said about the current administration, it must be noted that it remains focused on moving Guyana and all its people forward.
“We have a movement…when we say we are moving forward, we are moving the whole of Guyana, we are not leaving anyone behind,” the DG expressed.
Like Prime Minister Nagamootoo, Harmon reminded the residents gathered that during their time in office, the coalition administration has worked to restore “honesty, dignity and integrity.”