‘Only a constitutional reform formula can heal this nation’ – PM Nagamootoo
DPI, Guyana, Saturday, June 27, 2020
The recent demonstration of Guyana’s political divide can only be healed through the establishment of a constitutional reform plan.
This opinion was shared by Guyana’s Prime Minister (PM), the Hon. Moses Nagamootoo, while appearing as a guest on Jamaica’s Power 106 FM on Friday.

Prime Minister, the Hon. Moses Nagamootoo.
While Guyana has superb potential and is destined for greatness, PM Nagamootoo posited that the nation’s political situation can only be settled by a government that involves inclusivity and receives full support from all nationalities.
“This can only be effected by political will ─ not the concentration of two hostile camps ─ but instead the cooperation of the camps, into a government of national unity.”
The Prime Minister said his entry into the Alliance For Change (AFC) which later partnered with the A Partner for National Unity (APNU) was the first major step towards achieving this cohesiveness.
“Elections alone cannot fix Guyana’s historical problem. Elections in Guyana are based on a winner takes all formula. And in this polarized situation, it means that when one set of people are in, and one set is out, a house divided by self cannot stand,” he reasoned.
Prime Minister Nagamootoo maintained that while the election will soon be concluded, “the issue of how to heal this nation and build a cohesive Guyanese society, based on the participation and inclusion of all our people taking into consideration their political and social organisation” will still need to be addressed.
“Whatever emerges from this election should point the way to a future that is based on inclusive engagement and cohesion. That you can have a government of national unity,” PM Nagamootoo stated.