Tag: Minister Benn

29 GPF prosecutors graduate from international training course

29 GPF prosecutors graduate from international training course

- July 9, 2022

Prosecutors of the Guyana Police Force are now better equipped to uphold the rule of law after successfully completing six ... Read More

Proposal made to reduce speed limit to 30km per hour on urban roads

Proposal made to reduce speed limit to 30km per hour on urban roads

- May 13, 2022

A proposal has been made to reduce the speed limit for urban roads from 50 kilometres per hour to 30 ... Read More

Following intense debates National Assembly passes motion to strengthen PAC

Following intense debates National Assembly passes motion to strengthen PAC

- April 14, 2022

The National Assembly on Wednesday passed a motion to strengthen the inner workings of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) by ... Read More

Modern technology to play greater role in future fire response 

Modern technology to play greater role in future fire response 

- April 7, 2022

─ GFS senior officers’ conference opens Minister of Home Affairs, Robeson Benn, M.P, has called on the Guyana Fire Service ... Read More

CANU destroys over $523M worth of marijuana seized

CANU destroys over $523M worth of marijuana seized

- April 2, 2022

- Min. Benn lauds success in fight against drug trafficking The valiant efforts of the Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit and other ... Read More

Increased funding to road safety council to curb road fatalities

Increased funding to road safety council to curb road fatalities

- March 26, 2022

Government in its effort to curb road accidents has increased the financial resources given to the Guyana National Road Safety ... Read More

GPF’s proficiency to enhance with $120M approved for training

GPF’s proficiency to enhance with $120M approved for training

- February 12, 2022

The capacity and proficiency of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) will be enhanced as $120 million has been earmarked for ... Read More

$27.8 billion security budget approved

$27.8 billion security budget approved

- February 10, 2022

-$1 billion for construction, rehabilitation of police stations The safety and security of Guyanese remain a front burner for the ... Read More

Serious crimes down by 20 per cent – National Assembly hears

Serious crimes down by 20 per cent – National Assembly hears

- February 3, 2022

The PPP/C’s strategic crime fighting strategy is proving to be effective as serious crimes have been reduced by double figures. ... Read More

Several designs in hand for new Brickdam Police Station

Several designs in hand for new Brickdam Police Station

- January 28, 2022

Several designs are in hand for the reconstruction of the Brickdam Police Station, which will be several storeys high. This ... Read More