Tag: Minister of Local Government and Regional Development

Minister Parag blasts M&CC over city neglect, poor garbage collection

Minister Parag blasts M&CC over city neglect, poor garbage collection

- July 4, 2024

“Central Government has never been responsible for garbage collection. That is the responsibility of the municipalities and the local democratic ... Read More

Minister Parag lambasts city council’s negligence in upkeeping Stabroek Market

Minister Parag lambasts city council’s negligence in upkeeping Stabroek Market

- April 5, 2024

- says ministry will intervene to alleviate some challenges Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Sonia Parag on Friday ... Read More

Gov’t fostering community, youth development through sports

Gov’t fostering community, youth development through sports

- March 21, 2024

The government is continuously fostering community and youth development through Sports which plays an integral role in their overall development. ... Read More

$25.7M building in Oronoque will ensure delivery of quality education

$25.7M building in Oronoque will ensure delivery of quality education

- March 18, 2024

The newly constructed $25.7 million education office in Oronoque, Port Kaituma, Region One, will serve as a central hub to ... Read More

Canal Bank receives new $3.5M boat, engine to transport students

Canal Bank receives new $3.5M boat, engine to transport students

- March 17, 2024

Transportation has become much easier for some 27 Canal Bank, Matarkai sub-district, following the commissioning of a new $3.5 million ... Read More

$44.1M farm-to-market road commissioned in Region One

$44.1M farm-to-market road commissioned in Region One

- March 17, 2024

Over 300 residents of Arukamai, in the Mabaruma sub-district, Region One, now  access to improve accessibility, following the commissioning of ... Read More

National Cleanup Exercise successful

National Cleanup Exercise successful

- February 17, 2024

The Government of Guyana on Saturday conducted yet another National Cleanup Exercise in various parts of the country to encourage ... Read More

Ann’s Grove residents pleased with gov’t interventions during outreach

Ann’s Grove residents pleased with gov’t interventions during outreach

- April 15, 2023

Prime Minister Brigadier (Ret'd) Mark Phillips led a team of government ministers as part of the One Guyana outreach on ... Read More

$14M Primary School commissioned at Kokshebai, Region Nine

$14M Primary School commissioned at Kokshebai, Region Nine

- February 25, 2023

Pupils in Kokshebai, South Pakaraimas will no longer have to walk for miles to receive an education with the commissioning ... Read More

Opposition lambasted for delaying tactics to stall LGE

Opposition lambasted for delaying tactics to stall LGE

- December 14, 2022

- AG calls on GECOM to proceed with lawfully due elections Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall, ... Read More