Guyana has a remarkable track record of gender equality, empowerment – Min. Rodrigues

Minister within the Ministry of Housing and Water, Susan Rodrigues has emphasized Guyana’s remarkable achievements in gender equality and empowerment.

On her weekly programme “Making the Case,” Minister Rodrigues highlighted Guyana’s advanced framework for gender issues, noting that numerous ministries and organisations have implemented programmes to accelerate and maintain gender equality.

The minister attended the United Nations (UN) Women and ParlAmericas multistakeholder dialogue on gender equality and sustainable development that recently concluded in St Lucia.

Minister within the Ministry of Housing and Water, Susan Rodrigues and Minister of Public Service, Sonia Parag at the recently concluded UN conference

 β€œAs usual, Guyana was the star during these discussions…When we go to these conferences and fora across the world, and we are joined by regional countries it’s a good thing…It reminds me of how much progress we have made here in Guyana…We have done a lot more than many countries on this part of the hemisphere,” the minister asserted.  

She emphasised that numerous initiatives in Guyana have offered women the opportunity to participate and gain significant benefits from their involvement.

Over the past three years, the government’s robust housing programme has allocated over 43 per cent of land to women and 54 per cent to young people, 35 per cent of whom are women.

Women are making significant contributions in many areas, including the Office of the President (OP), where 82 per cent of employees are women, and the OP’s Secretariat, where 95 per cent of employees are women.

Additionally, 70 per cent of the Presidential Youth Advisory Council (PYAC) is made up of young women, and 70 per cent of the people in the part-time job programme are women.

Women make up 65 per cent of the judiciary, 62 per cent of the Regional Democratic Council (RDC), 72 per cent of the Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC), and 50 per cent of the workforce at various municipalities.

β€œThese are women in significant and top-tier positions who are responsible for important decisions every single day. These are women who help to govern this country. These are public servants who help to make decisions in the best interests of every single community and sector of government,”she stressed.