Thorough investigation needs to be done into electoral process – PM Nagamootoo

DPI, Guyana, Friday, June 5, 2020

Prime Minister, the Hon. Moses Nagamootoo has called for a “forensic examination” into the numerous anomalies unearthed during the recount of the votes cas5t in the March 2, General and Regional Elections.

At the time he was speaking to President of Caribbean Guyana Institute for Democracy (CGID), Rickford Burke via video conference.

Those irregularities include illegal voting (dead and migrated voters) missing poll books, and unsigned Affidavits of Identity, lists found in the wrong ballot boxes and the issue of the unstamped discipline services ballots.

“I cannot see a process to be considered credible which is characterised by fraud. An election has to be free, fair and open,” The Prime Minister stated.

He noted that during his time as a politician, he has experienced several electoral processes but none like this and further emphasised the need for a thorough investigation into the entire process.

“You would need to have a clinical examination to analyse how this fraud took place as there were irregularities in not only Region 4 but in all of them.”

The A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) Coalition has lodged formal complaints with the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) on the number of discrepancies recorded.

In a recent statement, it was disclosed that eleven letters were sent to the commission but are yet to be answered.