Tag: Cemetery Road

$475M Cemetery Road project to be completed in two weeks

$475M Cemetery Road project to be completed in two weeks

- July 23, 2024

Minister of Public Works, Bishop Juan Edghill has assured that the $475 million Cemetery Road project will be completed within ... Read More

Gov’t stepping in to invest in roads, drainage, infrastructure in Georgetown – GS Dr Jagdeo

Gov’t stepping in to invest in roads, drainage, infrastructure in Georgetown – GS Dr Jagdeo

- April 19, 2024

General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Dr Bharrat Jagdeo has affirmed that central government is allocating significant funds ... Read More

$475M Cemetery Road project to be completed by March – Min Edghill

$475M Cemetery Road project to be completed by March – Min Edghill

- February 4, 2024

The deadline for the $475 million Cemetery Road project has been extended, and the anticipated completion date is now set ... Read More

Conversation Tree, Cemetery roads to be completed this month

Conversation Tree, Cemetery roads to be completed this month

- January 3, 2024

Cemetery Road and Conversation Tree Road are expected to be completed this month with the deadline being extended once again. ... Read More

Gov’t anticipates Cemetery Road completion before year end – Min. Edghill

Gov’t anticipates Cemetery Road completion before year end – Min. Edghill

- July 20, 2023

Despite several setbacks, works on the much-anticipated Cemetery Road project are moving along, and the government anticipates the thoroughfare will ... Read More

Billions in infrastructure works ongoing in Georgetown

Billions in infrastructure works ongoing in Georgetown

- March 23, 2023

- Min Edghill conducts inspection Billions of dollars in infrastructure improvements to roadways are currently being undertaken by the government ... Read More

First Eleven Squatters at Independence Boulevard Issued Housing Units

First Eleven Squatters at Independence Boulevard Issued Housing Units

- October 21, 2022

The Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA) on Friday allocated housing units to the first eleven (11) informal settlers residing ... Read More

Squatters to be relocated to facilitate $1.5B Independence Boulevard project

Squatters to be relocated to facilitate $1.5B Independence Boulevard project

- September 14, 2022

- Public Works and Housing ministries to discuss way forward The Public Works Ministry will be engaging the Housing and ... Read More

$192M infrastructural development for Mocha Arcadia

$192M infrastructural development for Mocha Arcadia

- September 11, 2022

Over 4,000 residents in the Mocha Arcadia, East Bank Demerara (EBD), will soon benefit from major infrastructural development which will ... Read More